Rands on Twitter

Rands In Repose: We Travel in Tribes

The frequently-sagacious Rands on why he likes Twitter – struck a chord with me.


Twitter is a social network, yes, but it’s a social network without the superpoke scrabtaculous zombie noise and, for that, I’m thankful, because I’ve got work to do. Yes, I could spend days tidying my profile and scrubbing my friends list, but to what end? I want to know more people, and sure, it’s interesting to see what they’re up to, but what I really want to know is what is going on inside their heads with a minimum of fuss.

I want to see how they see the world. This is why I follow people on Twitter. This is why they follow me.


and, from another post of his on Twitter :

Twitter is an informational yard sale. You simply never know when that off-the-cuff comment you toss will alter a person’s day.