Piper Notes #2: not our monkey, cooing, Governors' Island

Piper-Notes-2 [podcast]/2009/10/Piper-Notes-2.mp3[/podcast]

Here’s the next installment of our Piper Notes. Included in today’s installment:

  * A failed attempt to get a laugh out of her using bathroom humor, and our lamentations that she is not our trained monkey
  * A review of her accomplishments in the last six weeks, interspersed with
  * random coos, cries, and snorts, painstakingly hand-collected by Kate and me
  * Some overly sentimental ramblings about the virtues of single-tasking and multi-tasking
  * and a post script, recorded on the ferry coming back from Governors' Island some weeks ago.

There’s less crying in this one, anyhow.