dream: moving offices

dream about me, Chad, Luke, and Lois being offered the chance to move our desks, at work, from our current bullpen into a square office, same building, with windows and doors. The new space is a little distance from our current office, and our HR manager tells us that while we’re being offered the chance to move, she’d “rather the company spent its time and money working on the site than moving desks and computers around.” We looked at a map of the office building, which indicated the price per month per office, and were stunned at how much space costs.

Then the dream shifted – we were working late, perhaps in the new space, and I began reading email from someone, some guy (“Eddie?") who was trying to raise money for his sex-change operation by sending friends and acquaintances requests. Turns out he was going to have a little meeting in our office space that evening, although I don’t attend, figuring that while it’s a worthy cause, I’ll save my money for my friends’ operations.

The guy looked a little, though not entirely, like Steve Wadlow, with an Amish-style beard.