dream: someone with more knowledge would be more dangerous

Being carried out to dinner with various friends in sedan chairs. The first place we intend to go is one person (Mags?)’ favorite, since one can be in and done in an hour, eat really well, and only pay $8. That place is closed, though, so the sedan chairs take us to another restaurant, way up in a skyscraper, a place fancy enough to have its own nuclear reactor and special entrances to same. While trying to find the correct door in the all-white halls, I notice one of the parking valets walking around looking suspicious. Then I notice him connecting a bunch of filing cabinets with cat5 cabling, opening a window, and pushing the first one out, presumably to pull something else critical out when all the cabinets fall. I manage to find some scissors and cut the cable before all of the cabinets go, but 2 or 3 still slip out, and I peek over the edge and watch them hit and shatter, wincing at the people running and ducking out of the way. I have a conversation with the security folks about working at a reactor, and ask them whether someone with actual knowledge of how a reactor works would be more dangerous. They agree.

Then my ex-boss Bob is there, and he’s telling my current boss, Richo, that his company is being asked to do a security profile for my ex-roommate, Chad, in order to satisfy some potential employer. Richo tells Bob that he’s welcome to, that Richo won’t dress anything up, and that Chad’s on his own. Around this time, Chad shows up, the wind from the opened window still gusting through the reactor setup, to ask what’s going on, and I haven’t a clue whether to tell him or not.