Post Gig

It’s 1 a.m., after the band’s last show at the Kirkland Cafe. (The Kirkland Cafe has been sold and will be changing hands at the end of May, so it was definitely our last show there. As far as our last show ever… I tend to doubt it. We’ll be going on a long hiatus, to be sure.)

The show itself was a hell of a lot of fun; we were relaxed, we had great energy with each other on stage, our patter was easy and earned us some chuckles, and our inevitable musical bobbles we dealt with more smoothly even than usual. That was our impression from on-stage, at least. The tape will tell, hopefully. My worries about my throat conking out mid-gig didn’t come true, though I definitely pushed it a little. We’ll see how it feels tomorrow… er, later this morning, rather, when I get up in 5 hours to go and take a train to NYC and Columbia’s J-School’s Open House.

I hope I can sleep on the train, because I’m having some small difficulty now.