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Kitty Haiku


I haven't laughed so hard at a forward in a loooooong time--and I don't
even own a cat.  --cee

>>You never feed me.
>>Perhaps I'll sleep on your face.
>>That will sure show you.
>>You must scratch me there!
>>Yes, above my tail! Behold,
>>elevator butt.
>>i need a new toy.
>>tail of black dog keeps good time.
>>pounce! good dog! good dog!
>>The rule for today
>>Touch my tail, I shred your hand
>>New rule tomorrow
>>In deep sleep hear sound
>>cat vomit hairball somewhere
>>will find in morning
>>Grace personified,
>>I leap into the window.
>>I meant to do that.
>>Blur of motion, then --
>>silence, me, a paper bag.
>>What is so funny?
>>The mighty hunter
>>Returns with gifts of plump birds --
>>Your foot just squashed one
>>You're always typing.
>>Well, let's see you ignore my
>>sitting on your hands.
>>My small cardboard box.
>>You cannot see me if I
>>can just hide my head.
>>Terrible battle.
>>I fought for hours. Come and see!
>>What's a 'term paper'?
>>Kitty likes plastic
>>Confuses for litter box
>>Don't leave tarp around
>>Small brave carnivores
>>Kill pine cones and mosquitoes
>>Fear vacuum cleaner
>>Want to trim my claws?
>>Don't even think about it!
>>My yelps will wake dead.
>>I want to be close
>>To you. Can I fit my head
>>inside your armpit?
>>Wanna go outside.
>>Oh, shit! Help! I got outside!
>>Let me back inside!
>>Oh no! Big One
>>has been trapped by newspaper!
>>Cat to the rescue!
>>Humans are so strange.
>>Mine lies still in bed, then screams!
>>My claws aren't that sharp ...
>>Cats meow out of angst
>>"Thumbs! If only we had thumbs!
>>We could break so much!"
>>Litter box not here
>>You must have moved it again
>>I'll crap in the sink.
>>The Big Ones snore now
>>Every room is dark and cold
>>Time for "Cup Hockey"
>>We're almost equals
>>I purr to show I love you
>>Want to smell my butt?

Colleen Campbell          o/~ Fruphoria! o/~          prrprr@sehibhf.pbz
   All great empires do fall eventually, and this may be the beginning 
 of the end of one of the most successful political experiments ever. 
                                           --cookie, posted to a.m.m-f

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