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Fwd:Another person with too much time on their hands


Attribution as rec'd left in place, only ghods know if this is the actual 

***** Forwarded message, originally received from William Wood *****

Not going to be alive in the year 35,234,257 A.D., huh? Here's the math.
I'm thirty now, with a life expectancy of 90. By the time I am fifty,
life expectancy will have risen to 150. By the time I'm 100, life
expectancy will be at 200. You get the idea . . . we're in for the long
haul! (This is supposed to be humorous, but the children born to some of
the younger listmembers may get to enjoy this math as a reality.)

As far as worries about movies in the year 35,234,257 A.D., my only
concern is how much it will cost to replace the 15,000,000 Disney
Masterpiece titles (approximately 1 new title every two years) when they
switch from one playback media to another. Actually, here are some other

- At 0.5 pounds apiece, my Disney Masterpiece collection will weigh 7.5
million pounds. If a billion other people also had a Disney Masterpiece
collection, the total weight (7.5 x 10^15 pounds) would be sufficient to
cause the planet to collapse under its own weight and ignite into a
nuclear fireball.

- At 9 inches tall per Disney Masterpiece, my collection would stand at
2,130 miles high end-to-end, equivalent to 8,878 Empire State Buildings
(less gorillas). (If 112 of us put our collections together in this way,
we could climb them from the surface of the earth to the surface of the
moon. If someone yanked out one of the TLM's towards the bottom of the
stack while we were climbing, this would suck.)

- At 9 inches tall by 5.5 inches wide, my Disney Masterpiece collection
would have a surface area of about 62 million square feet. (Assuming no
increase in rent-per-square-foot prices, my rental bill for an apartment
in Los Angeles capable of holding my Disney Masterpiece collection would
be a mere $7.24 million per month.) If a billion other people also have
a Disney Masterpiece collection, the total square footage (6.2 x 10^16
square feet) would be about 315 million times the total square footage
of the planet.

- At a conservative estimate of 1.2 hours average duration each, it
would take 2,054 years to watch my Disney Masterpiece collection (this
would suck if I weren't immortal).

- If only 1 in 100 Disney Masterpieces turned out to really stink, that
would mean a total of 150,000 duds in the collection. These stinkers
would require more than 20 years to watch.

- At a conservative 10 minutes of Disney advertising at the start of
each Disney Masterpiece, I would spend 285 years watching nothing but
advertising content.

- Extrapolating the rise of the average price of a Disney Masterpiece,
it would take more dollars than there are subatomic particles in the
known universe to purchase the last Disney Masterpiece in my collection.

- Even by the year 35,234,257 A.D., it will still be impossible to find
an Ariel doll that actually looks like Ariel.

Oh, well. Hakuna Matata.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Cha <tgr004s@cevfz.tngrpu.rqh>
To: nevryubyvpf@lblb.pp.zbanfu.rqh.nh
Date: Friday, January 23, 1998 9:02 PM
Subject: adding scenes + other stuff

>Speaking of new movies, ever wonder what's going to happen in the year
>35,234,257 A.D.?  Sure, we won't be alive, but think of all the movies
>they'd have to keep track of, and whenever they were to make new
>all the ideas and the titles would have been used up.

--------------End of forwarded message-------------------------

----------------- End Forwarded Message -----------------

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