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	I don't mean to bother everyone with a silly forward, but this is
a very pleasing moment.  I just got this from a friend of mine, who got if
via Princeton, Middlebury, Bucknell, Conn College, and St. Andrew's
College in Scotland.  I know I've sent this to some of you before.  This
is something I got a while ago, thought was brilliant, and made a few
additions to.  In particular, I added (at least) 3 of the last four lines.
Verbatim.  In that order.

	And it came back.  Muah-ha-ha-ha.

					Jer =)

"Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day.		     
 Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life."    
			-- Terry Pratchett, "Jingo"		   
Jeremy N. Bernstein	       		waoreafgrva@jrfyrlna.rqh 
>>> May The Pants Be With You
>>> Lines from Star Wars that can be improved if you substitute the word
>>> "Pants" for key words:
>>> We've got to be able to get some reading on those pants, up or down.
>>> The pants may not look like much, kid, but they've got it where it
>>> counts.
>>> I find your lack of pants disturbing.
>>> These pants contain the ultimate power in the Universe. I suggest we
>>> use it.
>>> Han will have those pants down. We've got to give him more time.
>>> General Veers, prepare your pants for a surface assault.
>>> I used to bulls-eye womp-rats in my pants back home.
>>> TK-421. Why aren't you in your pants?
>>> Lock the door. And hope they don't have pants.
>>> You are unwise to lower your pants.
>>> She must have hidden the plans in her pants. Send a detachment down to
>>> retrieve them. See to it personally Commander.
>>> Governor Tarkin. I recognized your foul pants when I was brought on
>>> board.
>>> You look strong enough to pull the pants off a Gundark.
>>> Luke. Help me take these pants off.
>>> Great, Chewie, great. Always thinking with your pants.
>>> That blast came from those pants. That thing's operational.
>>> A tremor in the pants. The last time I felt this was in the presence of
>>> my old master.
>>> Don't worry. Chewie and I have gotten into a lot of pants more heavily
>>> guarded than this.
>>> Maybe you'd like to get back in your pants, your highness.
>>> Your pants betray you. Your feelings for them are strong.
>>> Jabba doesn't have time for smugglers who drop their pants at the first
>>> sign of an Imperial Cruiser.
>>> Yeah, well short pants is better than no pants at all, Chewie.
>>> Attention. This is Lando Calrissean. The Empire has taken control of my
>>> pants, I advise everyone to leave before more troops arrive.
>>> I cannot teach him. The boy has no pants.
>>> You came in those pants? You're braver than I thought.
>>> Yes. The hate is swelling in your pants.

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