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... if male is under 14 his physical ability must be proved (fwd)


----- Forwarded message from glen mccready -----

Forwarded-by: obfgvp@PF.Orexryrl.RQH (Keith Bostic)
Forwarded-by: "Linda Branagan" <yvaqn@mra.m-pbqr.pbz>
Forwarded-by: Joe Keane <wtx@irefnag.pbz>
Forwarded-by: fvyiref3@uhfp.uneineq.rqh

>From "The Rights of Young People: The Basic ACLU Guide to a Young
Person's Rights" (Avon Books, 1977):

                Age Below Which Females May Not
State           Consent to Sexual Intercourse
-----           -------------------------------
Alabama         16  (if over 12, male must be over 16)
Alaska          16  (when male is over 15)
Arizona         18  (when male is over 13)
Arkansas        16  (if over 12, male must be over 18)
California      18
Colorado        16
Connecticut     16  (when male is 18 or older)
Delaware        12
Washington DC   16
Florida         18
Georgia         14
Hawaii          16
Idaho           18
Illinois        18  (male or female; other partner must be 14 or older)
Indiana         16
Iowa            16
Kansas          16
Kentucky        16
Louisiana       17  (when male is over 17)
Maine           14
Maryland        14  (males cannot consent if under 14 and female is 18 or
Massachusetts   16
Michigan        16  (male or female)
Minnesota       13  (male or female; actor must be at least 3 years older than
                    victim; 16 if actor is in a position of authority and at
                    least 4 years older than victim)
Mississippi     12  (no female between 12 and 18 of previously chaste
                    character can consent with any male who is older than she)
Missouri        16  (18 if female is of previously chaste character and male
                    is over 17)
Montana         16
Nebraska        18  (when male is 18 or older; unless female is over 15 and
                    previously unchaste)
Nevada          16  (when male is 18 or older)
New Hampshire   13  (male or female; 16 if actor is in a position of authority
                    over victim)
New Jersey      16  (when male is 16 or older)
New Mexico      13  (male or female; 16 if actor is in a position of authority
                    over victim)
New York        17  (male or female)
North Carolina  12  (16 if female is a virgin and male is over 16)
North Dakota    15
Ohio            16  (when male is 18 or older)
Oklahoma        16  (18 if female is previously of chaste and virtuous
                    character; if female is over 14, male must be over 18)
Oregon          16  (in some cases male must be 3 years older than female)
Pennsylvania    16
Rhode Island    16
South Carolina  16
South Dakota    16
Tennessee       18  (unless female is over 12 and bawd, lewd, or kept)
Texas           17  (unless female is at least 14 and not a virgin)
Utah            13  (if male is under 14 his physical ability must be proved)
Vermont         16  (when male is 16 or older)
Virginia        15
Washington      16  (if victim is under 11, actor must be over 13; if victim
                    is between 11 and 14, actor must be older than 16; if
                    victim is between 14 and 16, actor must be over 18)
West Virginia   16  (when male is over 16; unless both parties consent and
                    female is over 12 and male is under 16)
Wisconsin       18
Wyoming         18

----- End of forwarded message from glen mccready -----

Benjamin R. Cline	   Large Furry Mammal        orawv@unira.obfgba.zn.hf
 "all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals" -- The Charge of the Goddess
 "Tradition does not mean to look after the ash, but to keep the flame alive."
   -- Jean Jaures

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