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Re: [Re: Minivans (was: yet more ranting)]


"Nathan J. Mehl" <azruy@yrsgonax.pbz> wrote:

  In the immortal words of Leslie Todd Masco:
  > >Antropomorphizing "nature" is one of my personal bugbears.  It's a
  > >horrid concept, and it's the foundation of a veritable Trump 
  > >Tower of bad thought 
  > "To speak of the 'purpose' of sex or of the function of a particular
  >  human behavior is shorthand.  
  >  (* Mayr 1983, Dawkins 1986)
  As much as I enjoy Dawkins, I would call that particular misusage
  not "shorthand," but merely "sloppy."
I'd be interested to know where you draw the line.

An engineer, a physicist, and a mathematician were taking a train
trip through north Wales.

The engineer looked out the window and observed that Welsh sheep
are white.

The physicist looked out the window and observed that some Welsh
sheep are white.

The mathematician looked out the window and observed that some
Welsh sheep are white on at least one side.


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