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seattle has the best freaks


> 	in case you haven't heard about it; last weekend a man walked
> into a downtown seattle bank, and presented the teller with a note
> reading "give me all the 50s and 100s from your drawer and nobody will
> get hurt." the teller did so; the robber walked outside, just down the
> street, and started giving away - or just throwing into the air - all
> the bills. he told people who asked what happened - most wondered
> whether he'd just won the lottery - that no, he was just really rich.
> 	when the cops came and got him, he didn't resist and was found
> to have been unarmed. police are asking people to give back the money,
> of course.
> 	after samurai man, naked-guy-on-the-truck, and this latest
> incident, i just have one thing to say:
> 	we have better freaks than anywhere else in north america. :-)

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