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Creativity amok


     These are some actual answers given by contestants on that most
     intellectual of a game shows, Family Feud....

     Name something a blind person might use - a sword
     Name a song with the moon in the title - Blue Suede Moon
     Name a bird with a long neck - Naomi Campbell
     Name an occupation where you need a torch - a burglar
     Name a famous brother and sister - Bonnie and Clyde
     Name a dangerous race - The Arabs
     Name an item of clothing worn by the 3 Musketeers - a horse
     Name something that floats in the bath - water
     Name something you wear on the beach - A deckchair
     Name something red - my cardigan
     Name a famous cowboy - Buck Rodgers
     Name a famous Royal - mail
     A number you have to memorise - 7
     Something you do before going to bed -sleep
     Something you put on walls - roofs
     Something in the garden that's green - a shed
     Something that flies that doesn't have an engine - a bicycle with
     Something you might be allergic to - skiing
     Name a famous bridge - the bridge over troubled waters
     Something a cat does - goes to the toilet
     Something you do in the bathroom - decorate
     Name an animal you might see at the zoo - a dog
     Something associated with the police - pigs
     A sign of the zodiac - April
     Something slippery - a conman
     A kind of ache - Filet O' Fish
     A food that can be brown or white - a potato
     A jacket potato topping - jam
     A famous Scotsman - Jock
     Another famous Scotsman - Vinnie Jones
     Something with a hole in it -  a window
     A non-living object with legs - plant
     A domestic animal - Leopard
     A part of the body beginning with N - Knee
     A way of cooking fish - Cod
     Something you open other than a door - your bowels

     Proof that there are some amazingly lateral thinkers out there....
C l a u d i a     M o r g a n		pzbetna@argrtevgl.pbz
Manager of Human Resources
Netegrity, Inc.				http://www.netegrity.com
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Waltham, MA  02154
TEL: 781.890.1700
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