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(Fwd) The Best Chain Letter Ever Sent!!! (fwd)


Marc David Jimenez		Cohesive Network Systems
Consultant			zwvzrarm@pburfvir.pbz

"Forward the Light Brigade!"
Was there a man dismayed?
Not tho' the soldiers knew
  Someone had blundered:
Theirs was not to make reply,
Theirs was not to reason why,
Theirs was but to do and die:
  Into the Valley of Death
   Rode the Six Hundred.

	-Alfred Lord Tennyson

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 11:30:28 -0400
From: David Corlette <pbeyrggr@uhnec.uneineq.rqh>
To: zwvzrarm@pburfvir.pbz, zwnpx@dhnqevf.pbz
Subject: (Fwd) The Best Chain Letter Ever Sent!!!

Finally, a funny chain letter...

> Hello, my name is Alfonso Merkin.
> I am suffering from rare and deadly diseases, poor scores on final
> exams, lack of sexual activity, fear of being kidnapped and executed by
> anal electrocution, and guilt for not sending out 50 billion fucking
> forwards sent to me by people who actually believe that if you send
> them, that poor 6 year old girl in Arkansas with lung cancer brought on
> by second-hand smoke from the cigarettes smoked by the big bad men who
> kidnapped her and took pornographic pictures of her for use on their
> child pornography web site will get 6 fucking cents every time you send
> me the letter.
> Do you honestly believe that Bill Gates is going to give you and
> everyone you send "his" email to $1000? How fucking stupid are you?
> Ooooh, looky here! If I scroll down this page and make a wish, I'll get
> laid by every Victoria's Secret model in the catalog! What a bunch of
> bullshit. 
> So basically, this message is a big FUCK YOU to all the people out
> there who have nothing better to do than to send me stupid chain mail
> forwards. Maybe the evil chain letter leprechaun will come into my
> apartment and sodomize me in my sleep for not continuing the chain which
> was started by Jesus in 5 A.D. and was brought to this country by midget
> pilgrims on the Mayflower and if it makes it to the year 2000, it'll be
> in the Guinness Book of World Records for longest continuous streak of
> blatant stupidity. 
> Screw them. If you're going to forward something, at least send
> something mildly amusing. I've seen all the "send this to 50 of your
> closest friends, and this  poor, wretched excuse for a human being will
> somehow receive a nickel from some "omniscient being" forwards about 90
> times. don't fucking care.  Show a little intelligence and think about
> what you're actually contributing to by sending out forwards.  Chances
> are it's your own unpopularity.
> P.S. Please forward this to at least 50 of your best friends!  ;-> 

                                 Dave C

David Corlette          znvygb:pbeyrggr@uhnec.uneineq.rqh
(617)495-5922           http://www-arp.harvard.edu

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