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"They're still using it!"


From the home office in Wahoo, Nebraska, it's the Top Ten list for...
November 16, 2000

Top Ten Things the Founding Fathers Would Say If They Were Alive Today

10."Remember that electoral college thing we made up when we were drunk?
They're still using it!"

9."Maybe that ruthless monarchy thing in England wasn't such a bad idea
after all..."

8."Good to see Florida is still using the same old voting machines"

7."That's odd -- in my day, we also had a senator named Strom Thurmond"

6."So that's the Washington Monument? Yeah, in his dreams"

5."Giuliani has really wrecked Times Square"

4."We risk our lives to form this great nation and you wanna let George W.
Bush run it?!"

3."Back in our time there certainly wasn't anyone as man-tastic as Ricky

2."He did *what* in the Oval Office?"

1."Screw this, we're going to Canada"

Late Show Web Site Extras:

"Why did you have to use a picture of me on the quarter from my ponytail

"'Hanging chad,' 'pregnant chad': has the land been overtaken by madness?" 

"Governor Bush should put a mustard plaster on his face and have his
physician attach some leeches" 

"Since our wives are dead, is it okay if we go after those Gore girls?" 

"We forgot to put this in the Constitution, but if there's a tie, you give
it to the guy who's not dumb as a sock" 

"Who hath let ye dogs out?" 

 The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious; but the          Jeff Yaus
 lips of a fool will swallow up himself.   -Ecc. 10:12     <wrss@sbyqrq.pbz>

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