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sorry, this tripped my ky00t meter:

>  The following poem appeared recently in INFOCUS magazine.
>   The original authors were Fred Bremmer and Steve Kroese
>   of Calvin College & Seminary of Grand Rapids, MI.
>   A poll conducted among INFOCUS readers had established
>   "waka" as the proper pronunciation for the angle-bracket
>   characters <> and  , though some readers held out
>   resolutely for "norkies."
>   The text of the poem follows:
>           <> !*''#
>           ^"`$$-
>           !*=@$_
>           %*<> ~#4
>           &[]../
>           |{,,SYSTEM HALTED
>   The poem can only be appreciated by reading it aloud, to wit:
>           Waka waka bang splat tick tick hash,
>           Caret quote back-tick dollar dollar dash,
>           Bang splat equal at dollar under-score,
>           Percent splat waka waka tilde number four,
>           Ampersand bracket bracket dot dot slash,
>           Vertical-bar curly-bracket comma comma CRASH.

rachel perkins * http://www.idiom.com/~rachel
web grrl   *   "bah."   *    enpury@vqvbz.pbz
And remember kids: WORSHIP SATAN!

--Nathan J. Mehl, The Left Bank Operation

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