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As always, from http://www.cbs.com/network/tvshows/lateshow/topten/:

From the Home Office in Wahoo, Nebraska, 
it's the Top Ten List for December 27, 1999 

Top Ten Features Of The New Popemobile

10.	Rear-view mirror that reads "Objects in mirror are holier than
they appear." 	
9.	Stained-glass windshield. 	
8.	Radio automatically switches stations when Sinead O'Connor comes
7.	Pope can now climb in window like Bo and Luke Duke. 	
6.	Bumper sticker: "Don't ask me about my grandson as I have taken a
life-long vow of celibacy." 	
5.	More hat room than any car in its class. 	
4.	Electronic mapping device shows Earth at center of solar system. 	
3.	Radar detector--'cause Pope can't drive 55. 	
2.	Transmission that doesn't break down every six months--now that
would be a miracle, am I right, people? 	
1.	Corners like a snake in a rat hole. 	

Late Show web site exclusive: the extra jokes that didn't quite make it
into the Top Ten.  

* "Heresy" warning light on dashboard. 
* Bumper sticker that reads "Don't like my driving? You're 
* AM/FM pipe organ. 
* Factory-mounted leper rack. 
* Passenger-side confessional 
* Bobbing head of St. Peter in rear window. 
* Self-healing bumpers. 
* Car bounces up and down just like Snoop Dogg's. 
* Spikes that shoot out of hubcaps to ensure win in next "Cannonball Run." 

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